A new book "ProLife Kids," published by Bethany Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation is helping children understand the prolife worldview. Originally aired 2/8/20.
Amanda Banks, wife of Congressman Banks shares her experience at the March for Life Rally with President Trump. A recording of Pres. Trump's Rally address and Melissa Ohden's comments are included in this program as well. Originally aired 2/1/20.
Monica Kelsey recounted the history of Safe Haven Baby Boxes and promoted the upcoming fundraising Gala. Originally aired 1/25/20.
Cathie Humbarger, Abigail Lorenzen, and Zach Rodgers addressed Allen County Right to Life's transformation into Right to Life of Northeast Indiana. Originally aired 1/18/20.
Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill gave an update on the investigation into the human remains and unsecured medical records found on the property of deceased abortionist Dr. Ulrich Klopfer. Originally aired 1/11/20.