Thank you for supporting our work here in Northeast Indiana.

It is due to the generous and ongoing support of donors like you that Right to Life Northeast Indiana can continue to protect and promote respect for life from conception to natural death. Our goal is to foster a culture of life in Northeast Indiana because we believe in protecting the right to life of all innocent human beings.

The fight for life is not over! Although abortions no longer take place in Indiana, hundreds of Northeast Indiana women continue to face abortion decisions each year. Your donations are vital as we work together to ensure the right to life through education, advocacy, and public policy.

Ways to Donate: 

  1. Online Giving 

  2. Donations can be mailed to: Right to Life Northeast Indiana, 3106 Lake Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46805

  3. Give through your Donor-Advised Fund. Information you will need: Our legal nonprofit name: Three Rivers Right to Life Educational Trust Fund, Inc.; Tax EIN: 35-1547508


Online Giving Options: 


Donate to the 501(c)(3). (Tax Deductible.) 

The Right to Life Northeast Indiana Educational Trust Fund (RLNI ETF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan education organization. Donations to the Right to Life Northeast Indiana Educational Trust Fund are tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Your generous contribution to the 501(c)(3) supports programs such as:

  1. Fall & Spring Banquets 
  2. Sidewalk Advocacy 
  3. Radio Program 


Donate to the 501(c)(4). (Not tax-deductible.)

Donations or gifts to Right to Life Northeast Indiana (RLNI), 501(c)(4), are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. 

Fundraising for the 501(c)(4) is more difficult than for the 501(c)(3).These gifts, however, are extremely important to us as they provide more flexibility in which organizational needs your gift can fill.

Your generous contributions to the 501(c)(4) supports programs such as:

  1. Lobbying  
  2. Mother's Day Carnation Project 
  3. Local March for Life

Please call our office at 260.471.1849 or email anytime with questions.