School Presentations
Offering pro-life presentations in our local schools is a vital part of our mission at Right to Life of Northeast Indiana. Abigail Lorenzen, Education Coordinator, can speak to your class free of charge. Our presentations are age-appropriate and tailored to each class. We also have a "U-Teach" option available for use free of charge.
Let Abigail know you're interested in having her come speak!
Current School Partners
We present on a regular basis in the following schools:
Concordia Lutheran High School
Concordia Theological Seminary
Emmaus Lutheran School
St. Joe Hessen Cassel
St John Lutheran Kendallville
St. Jude Catholic School
St. Paul's Lutheran School
Schools we have presented to in the past and would love to visit again:
Bishop Luers High School
Blackhawk Christian
Central Christian School
Emmanuel St. Michael Lutheran School
Lakewood Park Christian School
St. Charles Borromeo
St. John Emmanuel Lutheran
Can we come to your school next?
FA Student Qs (Resource for Classroom Teachers)

Teaching Respect for Human Life
How do you instill respect for human life in your students? It's becoming increasingly difficult as our culture becomes more blatant about its disregard for all Christian morals.
In Northeast Indiana, we’ve seen great success using two presentations developed by Right to Life of Northeast Indiana and based on the powerful and simple Case For Life by Scott Klusendorf. We are excited to make these available for public use!
The presentation for students from 8th grade to adults has two parts. The first is fetal development facts and statistics about abortion in the US. The second part is how a person might think through the moral issue of abortion, using logic and science, and respond to someone who believes abortion to be justifiable. This approach fosters a dialogue that is compassionate and based on God’s Natural Revelation.
For younger children, Kindergarten through 7th grade, the presentation shows students the amazing development of humans in the womb, providing a wonderful way to teach respect for human dignity and awe of God’s design.
The children loved the presentation. Two boys turned around at the end and said, ‘That was awesome!’” - S. Farrar, Kindergarten Teacher
- K-5th Grade Fetal Development Presentation
- 6th & 7th Grade Fetal Development Presentation
- K-7th Grade Presenter's Outline
“The abortion speech changed my opinion to pro-life!” – HS Senior
“A lively, age-appropriate presentation. The presentation complemented our discussion of the 5th Commandment. Faithful to God’s Word.” -Pastor Doug Christian, St John Flatrock
“Superb! Highly relatable and clear-cut. 8th graders got a lot out of it and it made a real impact.” – 8th Grade Teacher
- 8th Grade - Adult Apologetics Presentation
- 8th Grade - Adult Presenter's Outline
- Apologetics Student Handout
Contact for a video of the apologetics presentation.