Tax Payer Dollars should NOT pay for Abortions!
Unfortunately, our current Presidential Administration thinks that all Americans should have a hand in paying for abortions via our taxes. The Hyde Amendment currently protects the taxpayers as well as protecting children and women from abortion. Watch our video below!
Please partner with your fellow citizens in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio to make it clear to our legislators and our communities that Hyde should NOT be overturned.
Here's what you can do to help #SaveMyHyde:
1. Make a copy of your child(ren)'s ultrasound photo and pair it with a current picture of the same child. If you're comfortable, put their first name on the back of the photos along with the ages the photos were taken.
2. Add a short handwritten note, starting with "#SaveMyHyde" and expressing that you will NOT support the aborting of innocent lives in the womb and that Hyde should continue to stand. Sign it clearly.
3. Mail the photos and note to your US Representative, Senators and/or President Biden. You'll want to send them each their own copies in separate envelopes. If you don't know who your legislators are, you can find out here: Indiana, Michigan, Ohio. You're welcome to email instead of snail mail as well.
Remember: both our proabortion AND prolife legislators need to receive these! The Liberals need to know that we boldly stand against their agendas and the conservatives need to know that we are supporting them!
4. If you are able and comfortable, please also post your pictures and note to your social media platforms including the hashtags, #SaveMyHyde and #SaveHyde, so that your community can become more aware and active as well! We would LOVE for you to tag Right to Life of Northeast Indiana, Indiana Right to Life, Louisiana Right to Life, Right to Life of Michigan, Right to Life of Florida, Right to Life of Michiana or Ohio Right to Life in your post as well to help this campaign gain momentum.
5. Interested in also sending a quick email to all your federal representatives? You can do so here: Indiana, Michigan.
RLNI is so thankful to the Right to Lifes of Indiana, Louisiana,
Michiana, Michigan, Florida and Ohio for being part of this project! Ask your state to join in!