Have a heart for seeing an end to abortion? Become a Sidewalk Advocate for Life!

We’ll train you to have compassionate, helpful, winsome interactions with people going into Planned Parenthood.
*Email rlni@ichooselife.org or call our office at 260.471.1849 to attend a training!
Volunteer Interest Form
What Sidewalk Advocacy IS:
- It is helping men and women outside Planned Parenthood find ethical alternatives to meet their needs in our community.
- It is peaceful, approachable, and loving interactions with anyone you come in contact with.
- It is compassionate behavior towards the employees of Planned Parenthood.
- It is focused using the "Mom, Baby, God" model taught in Sidewalk Advocacy Training.
- It is law-abiding.
What Sidewalk Advocacy IS NOT:
- It is not a protest outside Planned Parenthood. There is a time and place for protests, but Sidewalk Advocacy is about connecting.
- It is not a time to sit on the sidelines, disengaged. We try for one-on-one interactions with the people entering the business and getting them the help they need.
- It is not screaming at women or using bullhorns. Sidewalk Advocates are approachable and caring, building a level of trust with a potential client or worker.
- It is not scared of mean things people say or rude hand gestures. Sidewalk Advocates look past any negativity and focus on the main thing, helping men and women find care elsewhere which works to end abortion.
- It is not false advertising. We have real help to offer clients entering Planned Parenthood.
"Only let your conduct be consistent with the gospel of Christ." Philippians 1:27