
Life Defenders Summer 2025 Camp


Thursday, June 12 at 9:00am - Saturday June 14 at 2:30pm

This 3-day event, open to high school and college-aged students, equips young people to speak confidently and graciously to the most pressing moral issue of our time – abortion. The registration fee includes meals and snacks, dorm room housing, teaching materials, and a Life Defenders t-shirt. The camp is held on the University of Saint Francis campus; students will start at the Bonzel dorm for registration (2701 Spring Street, Fort Wayne). 

NOTE: Our start time is at 9am on Thursday, June 12th. If you're from out of town and need to come to Fort Wayne the day before, please ask us about accommodations! 

Training Educators Mike Spencer, Seth Drayer and Ian Spencer will teach you how to make a persuasive case for life in the marketplace of ideas. They offer engaging content that will impact you and equip you to go forth and defend the pro-life view.

  • Registration (Part 1) - Breakout session details coming soon; we will reach out to have you choose your sessions once the breakout topics have been set. Registration Closes 6/5
  • Pay Here (Part 2 of Registration) Payment due by 6/5
    • Please know that we try to keep this cost as low as possible--and actually operate the camp at a financial loss to our organization--because we want as many students to attend this training as possible, regardless of income. If the $60 cost is beyond what your budget can handle, please contact us to see if scholarships are available.
  • Packing List, Schedule & Campus Map - coming soon!
  • Print Brochure
  • Breakout Session Descriptions - coming soon!
  • Practicum Form - Only 301-level students - coming soon!
  • Code of Conduct -coming soon!
  • THE CASE FOR LIFE #101 with Mike Spencer
    • Designed for first-time attendees, this course will equip you to simplify the abortion debate by focusing on one question: “What are the preborn?” Appealing to the science of human embryology and philosophy, you will be taught to defend the view that life begins at conception and that the differences between the born and preborn (size, level of development, degree of dependency and location) do not change the nature or value of human life.
  • THE CASE FOR LIFE #201 with Seth Drayer
    • The 201 level considers competing notions of human value and serves as
      an intro to advanced abortion v. choice arguments by asking, “Are human valuable because of who they are or because of what they can do?” You will contrast the pro-life position of human value with competing abortion advocate positions as you consider one of the most enduring objections to the pro-life position – bodily autonomy.
  • TACTICS & PRACTICUM with Ian Spencer
    • You know the case for life, but how do we use this in everyday conversation? This track will give you tools to create effective conversations and avoid attempts to shut them down. You’ll learn to start, navigate, and end dialogue in a way that can reach hearts and change minds on abortion.
    • Tactics students will have classroom training on Friday and will spend Saturday morning in a Practicum. The Practicum will be lead by Ian Spencer and his experienced team from Created Equal. Any transportation will be provided by RLNI for the students. Questions can be directed to Phoebe at the below info.
"Life Defenders weekend is something I look forward to every summer! The training sessions are like none other and have made my convictions so much stronger. I’ve also enjoyed getting to do door-to-door outreach and utilize the training we get at the camp." -Kira, 2024 Attendee 

"The Life Defenders camp is an amazing way to become a better advocate for the preborn through the awesome training and encouragement you will receive. It prepares you to be a life-long supporter of the pro-life movement." -Jackson, 2024 Attendee 

Contest Alert! Bring the most friends to camp & win a $50 gift card to the place of your choosing! 

For more information, call our office – (260) 471-1849 or email us at

Past Timothy Award Winners