Our Annual Mother's Day Carnations Fundraising Project will take place on Sunday, May 12th.
Each year Right to Life of Northeast Indiana partners with area churches to honor the calling of motherhood with beautiful flowers. This easy project is a great way to show your church's dedication to the pro-life mission. This is one of Right to Life of Northeast Indiana's biggest fundraisers of the year.
Want your church to participate in this easy project? Contact Allison at allison@ichooselife.org or call 260-471-1849.
Carnations Pick-up information:
- Allen County Churches Pick-up at RLNI Offices, 3106 Lake Ave, Fort Wayne: Friday, May 10th Noon-4pm or Saturday, May 11th 10a-Noon
- North County Churches (LaGrange, Steuben, Noble, & DeKalb) Pick-up at Crosspointe Family Church, 210 Highpointe Crossing, Kendallville, IN 46755: Friday, May 10th Noon-3pm
- South County Churches (Huntington, Wells, & Adams): Pick-up at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 1300 N Main St, Bluffton, IN 46714: Friday, May 10th Noon-3pm